Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ravitch and reading | The Journal Gazette

Ravitch and reading | The Journal Gazette:

Ravitch and reading

Karen Francisco | 
Two items of note for Fort Wayne-area readers:
Tickets are going fast for Tuesday's Omnibus Lecture at IPFW with education historian Diane Ravitch. They are available at no cost at the Gates Athletic Center ticket office, 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. today, Monday and Tuesday, but don't wait too long.
I wrote about Ravitch and her book, "The Death and Life of the Great American School System," in 2010. You can read it here.
Read Ravitch's latest EdWeek blog posting here. The topic is Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's education policies, which will sound surprisingly similar to Indiana readers. State Superintendent Tony Bennett

Phil's Findings: Education expert meets with California teachers

Published: Friday, March 9, 2012 9:40 AM PST

An important visitor to California educators recently was Dr. Diane Ravitch. She is what I would call “the modern watchdog of education in America.”

She is a professor of education research at New York University, and before then she was a member of the staff of President Bush’s Education Cabinet post as a reviewer of education in America.

Aware of her ability and determination to identify shortcomings in the U.S. education system and to make suggestions for improvements, Ravitch is eagerly sought after by concerned educational groups. Her educational improvement reach is admired by those in school systems and by those who want to see overdue improvements.

At first, Ravitch approved the No Child Left Behind program, but after analysis, she saw too many disappointing results and reversed her stand on it. Due to her suggestions, a revision of the NCLB practice is scheduled in the near future in Washington, D.C.

Her visit to California was planned by Erik Knudson, an officer of the Sacramento City Teachers Association more than a year