Saturday, March 3, 2012

A powerful argument for blocking Wisconsin’s voter ID law « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!

A powerful argument for blocking Wisconsin’s voter ID law « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!:

A powerful argument for blocking Wisconsin’s voter ID law

Cap Times editorial Posted: Friday, March 2, 2012
University of Wisconsin political scientist Ken Mayer is one of the most serious and responsible analysts of the politics of the state. Widely respected as fair player, whose work is well regarded by members of both major political parties, Mayer is someone conservatives and liberals listen to for reasoned comment on the political processes of the state. So when Mayer talks about the challenges raised by Wisconsin’s new voter ID law, we should all take him seriously.
In testimony this week before Dane County Circuit Court Judge David Flanagan, Mayer estimated that roughly 220,000 potential voters would be unable to cast ballots in coming elections because of the new voter identification measure.
In his testimony on a motion for a temporary injunction against the law sought by the Milwaukee branch of the

Ultra Right Wing Heartland Institute Under Scrutiny

Leaked documents detail ‘Operation Angry Badger’

Institute cries foul, says some memos may be faked

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel Feb. 16, 2012
A Chicago-based free-market think tank has prepared a strategy to sway the recall debate in Wisconsin, including detailing “the shortcomings of public schools,” according to leaked documents that appeared this week on the Internet.
“Operation Angry Badger” purportedly describes a Heartland Institute proposal that would cost about $612,000 and focus on promoting Wisconsin Act 10, which curtailed collective bargaining for most public-sector workers.
“The recall elections of 2012 amount to a referenda on collective bargaining reform at the state level, making them of national interest,” the document says. “Successful recalls would be a major setback to the national effort