Monday, March 26, 2012

Playing Smart: A New Guide to Help Communities Open the Schoolyards | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights

Playing Smart: A New Guide to Help Communities Open the Schoolyards | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights:

Playing Smart: A New Guide to Help Communities Open the Schoolyards

We’ve never needed safe play spaces in our communities more than we do now. Nearly a third of kids and adolescents in America – and two-thirds of adults – are overweight or obese. Many are urged to get more exercise but can’t follow this advice very easily where they live.
Schools, of course, have all kinds of exercise facilities – gyms, soccer fields, tracks, basketball courts, playgrounds, even swimming pools. But when school lets out, these spaces are often locked to students and the rest of the neighborhood.
Administrators have reasons for keeping these spaces closed after hours. They’re concerned about security. They’re afraid of getting sued if someone gets hurt. They
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