Friday, March 2, 2012

Parent Trigger Bill Reaches the End Game in Florida Senate Tomorrow Morning | Scathing Purple Musings

Parent Trigger Bill Reaches the End Game in Florida Senate Tomorrow Morning | Scathing Purple Musings

Parent Trigger Bill Reaches the End Game in Florida Senate Tomorrow Morning

From Dara Kam in the Palm Beach Post:

Unable to withdraw a controversial ‘parent trigger’ bill approved by the Florida House yesterday, Senate GOP leaders instead scheduled an early-morning meeting Saturday to hear the measure, supported by former Gov. Jeb Bush and Senate President Mike Haridopolos.

The “Parent Empowerment” (SB 1718, HB 1191) would allow parents to determine the fate of troubled schools and convert them into charter schools or turn them over to private management companies. Parents could even reject school boards’ recommendations for low-performing turnarounds.

A coalition of parent groups, including the Florida PTA, oppose the measure, saying it makes