Friday, March 2, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Community Education - It's Not Just For Pottery and Dance Classes

Missouri Education Watchdog: Community Education - It's Not Just For Pottery and Dance Classes:

Community Education - It's Not Just For Pottery and Dance Classes

Springfield MO is testing a pilot program for a community school. This is not continuing education for adults, this is a full service community center housed in the public school. Their integrated focus is on academics, youth development, family support, health and social services and community development. The belief is that such an approach leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Community schools combine various departments like Mental Health, Social Services and possibly family court services (as is done in St. Louis) to offer a range of supports and opportunities such as workshops for parents, and after-school programs for students - before, during and after school, and on weekends.

21st Century Community schools have been around since the 90s. The idea for them is a lot older and sprang from the 60s generation when communal living was experiencing a surge. Arne Duncan, who is the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, was a supporter of "schools as centers of community life". Since his appointment to