Thursday, March 22, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Another Article on the Fallacy of Parent Trigger being Considered School "Choice"

Missouri Education Watchdog: Another Article on the Fallacy of Parent Trigger being Considered School "Choice":

Another Article on the Fallacy of Parent Trigger being Considered School "Choice"

Neal McCluskey of Cato eloquently states why the parent trigger option the ed reformers tout as school "choice" falls short.  From "Power Yes, Trigger No":


Posted by Neal McCluskey
There is little question that parents have too little power in elementary and secondary education. In fact, they have almost no power: they can vote, but are otherwise usually relegated to being class moms, or holding bake sales, or some other fluffy “involvement” that gives them no real say over how their children are educated. Adding insult to injury, that doesn’t often stop professional educators fromblaming parents when students don’t do so well.

To remedy the problem, the trendy thing seems to be “parent trigger” laws that would,