Friday, March 16, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy, Concerny Pundits

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy, Concerny Pundits:
Reformy, Concerny Pundits

I don't know anything about Rick Green of the Hartford Courant, but this column is a perfect example of the reformy, concerny punditry about teachers that makes me nuts:
How mad are some teachers at Gov. Malloy?

State cops flanked the stage and auditorium aisles when Malloy spoke in Windham the other night after both the Senate president and the lieutenant governor took pains to remind the audience about grade-school decorum. A town meeting in New Haven dissolved at times into heckling and shouting. In Windham, a teacher derided Malloy's education plan as "utterly fraudulent" — to wild applause.[emphasis mine]
It's Teachers Gone Wild! Some people raised their voices! Quick, bring Rick the smelling salts! And when he wakes up, ask him if the governor ever makes appearances without a police detail present.
Malloy would be wise to be sensitive to the teachers' deeply felt, if misplaced, anger toward his reform