Friday, March 2, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: MSNBC: Worse Than Fox

Jersey Jazzman: MSNBC: Worse Than Fox:

MSNBC: Worse Than Fox

MSNBC had yet another one of their "town halls" on education this morning. I could only watch a little as Mrs. Jazzman and I were busy getting the Jazzboys out the door and on the bus before I got in the car and drove to my job where I work daily to destroy America.

From what I saw, this was yet another vacuous gab session which ignored actual teachers in favor of pundits and politicians. But they did seem to amp up the propaganda even more this time around: both Chris Christie and Michelle Rhee were given a platform to spew their anti-union, anti-tenure, and anti-teacher rhetoric with no challenge whatsoever.

Now, Rhee is a demonstrated failure, both as a teacher and as a superintendent; no one who knows anything