Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Don't Lay Down Arms in the War Against Teachers!

Jersey Jazzman: Don't Lay Down Arms in the War Against Teachers!:

Don't Lay Down Arms in the War Against Teachers!

Yesterday, Matt Katz of the Philadelphia Inquirer tweeted the following:
ATTENTION NJ TEACHERS: @GovChristie says teachers gotta be furious that @NJEA spends millions in dues on political ads. Do you care? DM me..
As a matter of fact, Matt, I care very much. And if any of you who are teachers feel the way I do, I'd suggest youtweet Matt, like he asked, and let him know, in your own words, what you think. 

Our governor had one of his patented hissy fits yesterday about the teachers union:

New Jersey (STONJ1)’s largest teachers union spent a record $11.3 million on lobbying