Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jane Addams PTSA passes anti-charter school resolution | Seattle Education

Jane Addams PTSA passes anti-charter school resolution | Seattle Education:

Jane Addams PTSA passes anti-charter school resolution

On February 28, 2012, The Jane Addams PTSA board passed the following resolution:
WHEREAS Washington State public schools are chronically underfunded, to the detriment of educational opportunities, staffing, and materials;

WHEREAS the Washington State Supreme Court has ruled that the State of Washington is not fulfilling its constitutional obligation to fully fund public schools;

WHEREAS it has not been demonstrated that charter schools provide better educational outcomes than public schools;

WHEREAS charter schools allow the possibility of shifting money from public schools to private enterprises;
WHEREAS time spent on divisive issues like charter schools diverts time and resources needed to fulfill obligations to existing public schools;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Jane Addams PTSA urges the Washington State Legislature to oppose legislation promoting charter schools in the State of Washington, and to concentrate on fulfilling its paramount obligation according to the Constitution of the State of Washington, to fully fund and support Washington’s public schools.