Friday, March 30, 2012

In solidarity with the teachers in Rockford, Illinois | Seattle Education

In solidarity with the teachers in Rockford, Illinois | Seattle Education:

In solidarity with the teachers in Rockford, Illinois

This morning 1, 800 members of Rockford Education/ Illinois Educators Association went on strike in Rockford IL. Teachers have been 11 months without a contract, some have been four years under a wage freeze. The district has paid tens of thousands of dollars to consultants, security firms, marketing corporations and legal counsel simply to prepare for the strike. Historically our teachers have taken health benefits in lieu of wage increases, so they recruited hospital administrators to go after our health plan saying it was too good. Thus some of the same people who benefit as high paid administrators of health care are setting high costs, and shoving the premiums back on teachers. The district offer adds $3000 burden to every teacher’s health care cost.
Meanwhile with a Chamber of Commerce sponsored initiative we are besieged with charters, small