Friday, March 16, 2012

“I’m with Fred.” « Fred Klonsky

“I’m with Fred.” « Fred Klonsky:

“I’m with Fred.”

I was trying to ask a question of Audrey Soglin, IEA Executive Director. This was several years ago right after she had led the committee that wrote the legislation that created PERA, the bill that tied teacher evaluation to student growth scores on standardized tests.
Ken Swanson, who was IEA President at the time, refused to call me even though I was the first person at the microphone.
“I didn’t see you,” he later laimly explained.
The next day I stopped at Target to buy the ugliest orange sweater I could find. The better to see me with.
Yesterday at our first Region caucus at my last RA as an active teacher, the region surprised me with a cake