Sunday, March 25, 2012

A former KIPP teacher comments on her experience | Seattle Education

A former KIPP teacher comments on her experience | Seattle Education:

A former KIPP teacher comments on her experience

KIPP is one of the charter school franchises that’s been tossed around in Seattle  by ed reformers as an option if charter schools were to be legalized in our state. I’ve been following KIPP and several articles that I have come across are listed in the right column of this blog under “KIPP”. It could possibly be the worst example of a school experience a child could have but they do market well.
I was reading a post by Leonie Haimson that is well worth a read “At KIPP, I would wake up sick, every single day”. The post is an interview that Leonie had with a former KIPP parent and the parent’s daughter who was a student attending KIPP.
At the end of the post was the following comment written by a former KIPP teacher that I wanted to share with you  today:
I was a teacher at a KIPP school for 1 /1/2 years. (Not in NYC) It was the most horrible experience of my life. The teachers and students are literally in school for 11 hours a day. You basically have no personal life as it is