Friday, March 2, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee - Will She Get Investigated?

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Michelle Rhee - Will She Get Investigated?:

Michelle Rhee - Will She Get Investigated?

According to the NY Times, it seems that there is an investigation about the cheating in D.C. schools and guess who it may reach? Yes, that would be Michelle Rhee.

Apparently, Arne Duncan enjoys spending stage time with Rhee but others are questioning why he is being seen with her at all.

From the article;

If there is any hope of getting to the bottom of what went on in the Washington schools — whether Ms. Rhee is as amazing as Mr. Duncan said, or whether test scores were inflated by cheating — it is through the inquiry by the inspector general. (Catherine Grant, a spokeswoman for the office, confirmed that an investigation was under way, but would not give details.)

Ms. Rhee’s reputation as a national leader of the education reform movement has rested on those test scores,