Sunday, March 11, 2012

Defeats of Prison Privatization and Parent Trigger Prompts FL Chamber of Commerce to Target Rebel GOP Senators | Scathing Purple Musings

Defeats of Prison Privatization and Parent Trigger Prompts FL Chamber of Commerce to Target Rebel GOP Senators | Scathing Purple Musings:

Defeats of Prison Privatization and Parent Trigger Prompts FL Chamber of Commerce to Target Rebel GOP Senators

Yesterday’s Orlando Sentinel piece by Tallahassee bureau chief Aaron Deslatte delved into the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s influence  and it’s displeasure with the republican rebels in the senate who didn’t go along with them on prison privatization and parent trigger.
It was a rare defeat for the Florida Chamber of Commerce in an election-year session that saw the Republican-dominated Legislature provide almost everything the business lobby sought
The chamber bragged about 25 different bills: among them a compromise reform of Personal Injury Protection insurance; further limits on the state’s growth-management laws; and tax breaks for video-game and website developers, oil-drillers, phosphate miners, airplane owners and engine-makers and other manufacturers.
Still, chamber President Mark Wilson said Saturday that his powerful business lobbying