Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daily Kos: About Andrew Breitbart

Daily Kos: About Andrew Breitbart:

About Andrew Breitbart

"a special pile of human excrement,"

“villain,” a “duplicitous bastard,” and a “prick.”

he was a f@#$er. a big ass motherf@#$er. this aint a 24-hour zone, baby. he was a bad, bad dude. & if mary jo were your kin youd be dancin'.
I could go on.

The words are all Breitbart's.

They are those he chose to use on the occasion of the passing of Ted Kennedy in August 2009.

He thought they were appropriate to use towards that distinguished public servant.

Let them be more appropriately applied to him.

I am normally inclined to be generous, particularly at the time of someone's passing.

Breitbart however had no shame, no regrets, for what he had said and written.

a special pile of human excrement seems appropriate phrasing, from his lips, to apply to himself.