Friday, March 2, 2012

The Big Lies of Florida’s Parent Trigger Bill | Scathing Purple Musings

The Big Lies of Florida’s Parent Trigger Bill | Scathing Purple Musings:

The Big Lies of Florida’s Parent Trigger Bill

Yesterday’s passage of the Florida house’s version of parent trigger legislation is already drawing defensive posturing by it’s most publicized advocate, Parent Revolution. Writes Marcos Restrepo in The Florida Independent:

According to a California-based organization backing Florida’s controversial “Parent Trigger bill,” the measure isn’t being led by charter schools or business-backed groups, and actually has the support of many in the public school system.

Among its many provisions, the controversial “Parent Trigger bill“ would authorize parents of students who attend a failing public school “to submit a petition to the school district requesting implementation of a school turnaround option…..

Linda Serrato of Parent Revolution, a California organization supporting the bill, tells The Florida