Saturday, March 17, 2012

“Before you can fund the charter school, you have to fund an advocacy organization that can create a climate for the charter school to exist” | Seattle Education

“Before you can fund the charter school, you have to fund an advocacy organization that can create a climate for the charter school to exist” | Seattle Education:

“Before you can fund the charter school, you have to fund an advocacy organization that can create a climate for the charter school to exist”

It looks like it’s going to be a Gates kind of weekend.
We are, in the state of Washington, once again having the battle over charter schools. The good people in our state have voted it down three times but it has come up again due to the “let’s go around the voters” shenanigans of a former Republican turned Democratic Senator from the upscale suburbs of Bellevue who has determined what is best for the rest of us in terms of charter schools. These charter schools staffed with TFA temps would of course  not be proliferating in Bellevue but in the Central District of Seattle, a place that I dare say Senator Tom rarely ventures.
He and his LEV /SFC and now even PTA posse have been beating the drum for charter schools for about two