Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Atlanta Scandal: Teaching in A Culture of Fear, Intimidation and Retaliation

Commentaries (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out):

The Atlanta Scandal: Teaching in A Culture of Fear, Intimidation and Retaliation

Posted: 2011-07-20

This essay is from Nonpartisan Education Review, July 2011.
NOTE: The massive Special Investigation Into Test Tampering in Atlanta's School Systemreport Atlanta Investigative Report comes in four volumes (pdf):

  • Vol 1

  • Vol 2

  • Vol 3

  • Exhibits to the Report

    Ohanian Comment: Erich Martel, a Washington, D. C. teacher, draws an important conclusion from what happen in Atlanta: Those who think our public schools can be improved by weakening teacher tenure and gutting union contracts, so principals can get rid of the bad teachers, need only read about the toxic environments created by unprincipled principals in Atlanta -- and which teachers they terminated.

    Think about it. Think about the Atlanta teacher who was ordered to crawl on the floor and under a deskbecause her class had low test scores.

    by Erich Martel

    The 800-page Investigation Report on the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) cheating