Monday, March 19, 2012

Action Alert: Get the charter school clause out of the state budget | Seattle Education

Action Alert: Get the charter school clause out of the state budget | Seattle Education:

Action Alert: Get the charter school clause out of the state budget

Senator Tom with his Republican buddies presented a budget last Thursday which included the K-12 funding that had been agreed to previously but  a clause regarding charter schools had been added. It was yet another attempt at an end run around the democratic process, something that Senator Tom and others around the country have been doing in terms of education legislation. See Stand for Children Stands for the Rich and the Powerful to get a very clear example of how this has worked in other states.
Governor Gregoire has stated that she will not accept such a bill and you can view a video of her statement in full at The Capitol Record.
To ensure that Governor Gregoire stands firm and that our legislators remember that the people of the state of Washington have voted in general elections against charter schools three times please contact the governor andyour representatives, and let them know that yes, we do need education in our state adequately funded and no, we don’t need charter schools.
Charter schools are not public schools but are education corporations. They have independent school boards