Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What Makes Waking Up So Difficult for Kids with ADHD? :: Help! S-O-S for Parents

What Makes Waking Up So Difficult for Kids with ADHD? :: Help! S-O-S for Parents:

What Makes Waking Up So Difficult for Kids with ADHD?

[fbshare]In my previous article, What Makes Sleep so Difficult for Kids with ADHD?, I explored the difficulties that children and adolescents may have in falling asleep. As I had mentioned, research shows that between 25 and 50% of people with ADHD have clinically reported sleep difficulties. These can be attributed to biology, stimulant medication side affects, lack of consistent bedtime routine, and characteristics related to the ADHD itself.

For many parents, getting their children to sleep is only half the battle. Having their children awake and ready for school on time is a significant problem. In my practice as a Parent Coach, the issues related to morning are