Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Turnaround Results Under Fire, CPS Reverts to State Tests - Chicago News Cooperative

Turnaround Results Under Fire, CPS Reverts to State Tests - Chicago News Cooperative:

Turnaround Results Under Fire, CPS Reverts to State Tests

In seeking a turnaround of Chicago Public Schools, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has said he wants to shift away from state-mandated test scores in assessing school success.

But when a University of Chicago study last week raised questions about Chicago’s turnaround effort, the Emanuel administration returned to the state test scores as evidence of progress.

The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research issued a new report last week focused on progress of individual students at so-called “turnaround schools” and found that gains in student achievement were less dramatic than the public had been led to believe.

Consortium researchers analyzed student-level data at 36 schools that experienced some form of dramatic