Sunday, February 12, 2012

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Early Evening Posts 2-12 #edchat #p2 #edreform

Two Important Internet Links - Occupy DOE and Charter Schools Resources #edchat #edreform

Two Important Internet Links - Occupy DOE and Charter Schools Resources: Two Important Internet Links – Occupy DOE and Charter Schools Resourcesby rbhattIf you are battling ineffective education reform in your state, you might be interested in the two links below.Occupy DOE is on the horizon. Click on this link for more information:, if you are in a state that is fighting the Charter School movement, click on this link for a multitude of resources:

Schooling in the Ownership Society: The privatization of war parallels education trends

Schooling in the Ownership Society: The privatization of war parallels education trends:The privatization of war parallels education trendsby Mike KlonskyI don't think soThe erosion and selling off of public space isn't limited to public education. This loss of public decision making and government transparency and accountability is the biggest threat to any democratic system of government. The latest news from the Afghan killing fields should do the privatizers proud. This from today's

Parent Power The Zinn Education Project

Parent Power:Parent PowerFilm. Produced by the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown Univ. 2011. 35 minutes.A documentary about parents in the Bronx who organized to bring high-quality education to their neighborhood.Order film online and see trailer.In 1995, a small group of parents in the south Bronx discovered that only 17 percent of their elementary school children were reading at grade level. Their determined campaign to bring high-quality education to their neighborhood, one of the poorest in the nation, evolved ... more »

Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky

Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky:Sunday Fred KlonskyChicago’s Crane High School. When they close it, where does the glory go?The death of Whitney Houston is a sad one. Such a waste. I’ll leave it to others to debate the broader cultural implications. I spent last night alone watching the news reports and flashing back to visions of my girls when they were kids, pretend microphones in hand, lip syncing to Whitney and mimicking her choreography on the dining room floor. ... more »

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top 2-12 AM Posts #edreform #ows

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Late Nite Posts 2-11 #edreform #owsBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-13 minutes agoRIP Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You - LyricsBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-26 minutes agoA Father. « Student ActivismBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-26 minutes agoA Father. « Student Activism:A Angus JohnstonImagine a father gives his teenaged daughter a lovely carved wooden box. Imagine she puts her diary in it, and letters she’s written ... more »

February’s Best Tweets — Part One | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

February’s Best Tweets — Part One | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…:February’s Best Tweets — Part OneFebruary 12, 2012 by Larry Ferlazzo | 0 commentsEvery month I make a short list highlighting my choices of the best resources I shared through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. Now and then, in order to make it a bit easier for me, I may try to break it up into mid-month and ... more »

NBA | Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson fights to keep Kings from moving to Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper

NBA | Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson fights to keep Kings from moving to Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper:Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson fights to keep Kings from moving to SeattleKevin Johnson vows to keep the Kings in his hometown, but deadlines loom and Seattle has its sights on his team.SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Kevin Johnson knows what it was like in Seattle.The former NBA point guard remembers the stream of sellout crowds and electric days and nights at the Seattle Center Coliseum ... more »

Advice: Stop overpraising Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee -

Michelle Rhee's advice: Stop overpraising kids - Rhee's advice: Stop overpraising kidsFebruary 11, 2012 | 8:00 am 41StudentsFirst chief Michelle Rhee is a lightning-rod figure in educational reform, and I talked to her at length for my ''Patt Morrison Asks'' column. Her goal of a tough-love, top-to-bottom overhaul of public schools doesn't stop in the classroom or with teachers; even how we reward our children is in need of a makeover, she told me.As an example, her own daughters, ... more »

Heed experience of education expert Ravitch |

Heed experience of education expert Ravitch | experience of education expert RavitchPublished: Sunday, February 12, 2012, 4:02 AMBefore endorsing Mayor Jackson's education plan, all taxpayers in the Cleveland School District should view a speech given at the Cleveland City Club on Feb. 3 by eminent education researcher Diane Ravitch.Cleveland is considering adopting ideas that Ravitch herself was largely responsible for developing but later disavowed after seeing study after study over the last 20 years that found choice, testing and ... more »

OCCUPY EDUCATION - Below is an announcement and background info on an... #edchat #p2 #ows

OCCUPY EDUCATION - Below is an announcement and background info on an...:Below is an announcement and background info on an upcoming,...Below is an announcement and background info on an upcoming, southern California regional student conference in support of protest against the dismantling of post-secondary education in the state. These details are provided by a CSULA student actively supporting the Occupy movement in solidarity with this effort to gain more support for university and college education in California. Please feel free ... more »

The Innovative Educator: I don't support daddy laptop shooter Tommy Jordan

The Innovative Educator: I don't support daddy laptop shooter Tommy Jordan:I don't support daddy laptop shooter Tommy Jordanby (Lisa Nielsen)Message to Tommy Jordan's daughter: Hannah, I can relate to how you might have felt. It must be heartbreaking to have your Dad see you as his adversary. It is frustrating when there is someone else who seems to be controlling and dictating everything you do. Like you, I wanted to be trusted and empowered to make and be responsible ... more »

In most Bay Area schools, high-profile school reform ideas remain hypothetical -

In most Bay Area schools, high-profile school reform ideas remain hypothetical - most Bay Area schools, high-profile school reform ideas remain hypotheticalBy Katy MurphyOakland TribunePosted: 02/12/2012 12:00:00 AM PSTOAKLAND -- Members and supporters of the Oakland teachers union picketed outside the Paramount Theatre this week. Michelle Rhee, one of the nation's most prominent school reformers, was about to address a sold-out crowd of 3,000 about the failures of the nation's education system and the importance of effective teachers."No Rhee-forms," ... more »

Missouri Education Watchdog: Welcome to the Sunday Education Weekly Reader Visual Soundbites for 02.10.12

Missouri Education Watchdog: Welcome to the Sunday Education Weekly Reader Visual Soundbites for 02.10.12:Welcome to the Sunday Education Weekly Reader Visual Soundbites for 02.10.12by stlgretchenWelcome to the Sunday Education Weekly Reader. The visual soundbites from Twitter for 02.12.12:As Scott Joftus said, it IS the Wild West in Education. Scads of money to be made in education...those investors had to go somewhere.....For those of you following the explosion of education startups, an interactive map of the new players more »

Union accepts district assurance that teachers can return to Miramonte -

Union accepts district assurance that teachers can return to Miramonte - want moratorium on layoffs and a new evaluation systemLos Angeles teachers have approved a much-watched initiative that calls for a moratorium on layoffs as well as a new teacher-evaluation system.Organizers of the initiative, which passed with 56% of the vote, immediately hailed the results as suggesting that teachers were willing to accept student test scores as part of a new evaluation system.“Teachers will now take the lead on ... more »

Eulogy for a brilliant mentor and teacher - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Eulogy for a brilliant mentor and teacher - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:Eulogy for a brilliant mentor and teacherby Valerie StraussHere is a eulogy for a pioneering scientist that says more about the lifelong effects of a dynamic teacher on his students than any “value-added” formula ever could.The eulogy was delivered by Jeffrey Ravetch, head of the Leonard Wagner Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Immunology at Rockefeller University in New York, at a memorial service last week for ... more »

School Tech Connect: The Clarion Whisper of Alarm

School Tech Connect: The Clarion Whisper of Alarm:The Clarion Whisper of Alarmby (Tim)I saw this tweet over at Small Talk.Remember when Cher slapped Nicholas Cage and told him to snap out of it? I always feel that way about the president of my national federation*. In my view, she's always speaking in these muted terms instead of letting

Daniel Pink Answers Two Questions About Group Incentives | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

Daniel Pink Answers Two Questions About Group Incentives | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…:Daniel Pink Answers Two Questions About Group Incentivesby Larry FerlazzoAs regular readers know, I’m not a fan of teacher merit pay (see The Best Resources For Learning Why Teacher Merit Pay Is A Bad Idea).Some school reformers and researchers have suggested that providing merit pay for entire schools is an alternative, though I’m not a supporter of those kinds of group incentives for similar reasons why ... more »

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Late Nite Posts 2-11 #edreform #ows

RIP Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You - LyricsBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-26 minutes agoA Father. « Student ActivismBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-26 minutes agoA Father. « Student Activism:A Angus JohnstonImagine a father gives his teenaged daughter a lovely carved wooden box. Imagine she puts her diary in it, and letters she’s written to her friends, and letters they’ve written to her. Imagine she puts photos in it, and keepsakes, and mementoes. Imagine ... more »

School Tech Connect: The Other Learning Problem

School Tech Connect: The Other Learning Problem:The Other Learning Problemby (Tim)Go read this, including the comments.I agree. Incidentally, technology is not going to change the fact that we have a nation full of kids who are strangely not looped into the fact that k-12 education is now the frontline of national security and economic prosperity. It's not even going to make a dent in the problem, as long as we have standardization and ever-mounting pressure on test scores, even ... more »