Wednesday, February 22, 2012

“This is Little Rock, 1957. Chicago is the epicenter of the education justice fight in America.” « Fred Klonsky

“This is Little Rock, 1957. Chicago is the epicenter of the education justice fight in America.” « Fred Klonsky:

“This is Little Rock, 1957. Chicago is the epicenter of the education justice fight in America.”

Jesse Jackson and CTU President Karen Lewis. Photo: WBEZ

Late today, Wednesday, the Chicago school board voted unanimously to go ahead with all the proposed school closings and turn arounds.

No surprise there.

Did we think the release of data by Don Moore and Designs for Change would mean anything to these stooges who sit at the feet of their patron, Rahm Emanuel?

Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis told school board members Chicago is at the “epicenter of the education justice fight in America.” She said the nation is watching.

“Children who need the most resources get the least. Parents who cry out the