Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Teacher Evaluation Juggernaut - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

The Teacher Evaluation Juggernaut - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

The Teacher Evaluation Juggernaut

Teacher evaluation--with all its multiple facets, blind alleys, disputed data models, technocratic hype and roll-out problems-- is on every principal's mind these days. It would be great to think that principals in states with new evaluation plans are eager to begin this work, now having permission to sink more deeply into their roles as instructional guides, to have productive two-way professional conversations with their teachers, thinking together about improving instruction to reach specific goals.

But no. They're worried about another time suck and avalanche of paperwork on top of an already-ridiculous workload. And--you can't blame them. Being a good principal, like being a good teacher, is impossible. There is