Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Special-ism — Reach Your Child's Potential with Professional Insights

Special-ism — Reach Your Child's Potential with Professional Insights:

Heavy Work for the Hands: Viewing Clothespins through Sensory Savvy Lenses

Martianne Stanger at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
Heavy work. For children with special needs, it is known as the great equalizer. Depending on its use and duration, it can act as a calming tool or an alerting one. Heavy work provides proprioceptive input that helps children become more aware of their bodies positions in space, making them more efficient with grading and [...]

Fun and Fitness In the Snow

Joni Redlich, DPT at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
Few things compare to the opportunities for a fun workout than playing in the snow. Get the kids outside and get moving and then warm up with a large mug of hot chocolate. Exercise is beneficial for all children, but has additional benefits for children with sensory processing disorders, low tone and anxiety disorders In [...]

Crystals & Stones: Helping a Variety of Isms

Julie McAllister at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
Have you ever noticed how much children love rocks? Well, you can use that love and help your child at the same time. Crystals and stones have incredible energy and each stone has different properties that can help for every possible condition you can imagine. Crystals Bring Change, Really? When I was first told that [...]

Catch More Flies with Honey – Show Thanks to Those Involved with Your Child

Joanna Keating-Velasco at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
There’s an old idiom that “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” My mom used to say that to me growing up. As with those who have autism, that figure of speech confused me since I didn’t understand why anyone would want more flies around. Nevertheless, I used to ask my mom why she [...]

How to Collaborate with Your School

Michele Hancock M.S., P.P.S. at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
In December I received a lot of emails from angry, frazzled parents. Grades came in, their child’s behavior had become a serious problem, and they didn’t like their new caseworker. Emotions were running high and a lot of finger pointing was going on. But behind all of the emotion, what I really heard was “I [...]

What Makes Waking Up So Difficult for Kids with ADHD?

Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
In my previous article, What Makes Sleep so Difficult for Kids with ADHD?, I explored the difficulties that children and adolescents may have in falling asleep. As I had mentioned, research shows that between 25 and 50% of people with ADHD have clinically reported sleep difficulties. These can be attributed to biology, stimulant medication side [...]

Everyone has a Love Story…..

Teresa Fair-Field, OTR/L at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
Scholars and poets of the very earliest works have love stories. Comedies, tragedies, graphic novels and every known scripture have their love stories. Teenagers with glitter fingernails and cross-bone hoodies have their love stories. Individuals on the autism spectrum, at every age, will write love stories of their own. Relationships Examined As the parent of [...]

When an Advantage Becomes a Disadvantage

D.S. Walker, RN at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
The same excellent rote memory that helps many Aspies and Autistics can also be a distinct disadvantage. Most people believe being able to seamlessly remember details of events or of things read is an advantage and most of the time it is. After all, it makes studying for tests easier and allows for needed attention [...]

One Path to Find Spiritual Strength

Lori Ciccarelli at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
I am going to take a different approach this month and focus on what got me through some very difficult and challenging times raising a child with special needs; my spiritual strength. “The Lord is close to the broken hearted, He rescues those who are crushed in Spirit,” Psalm 34:18. There were many times I [...]

5 Ideas to Foster Writing Readiness

Bonnie Hacker, MHS, OTR/L at Special-ism - 1 hour ago
Many parents and teachers are eager for young children to write. Writing, which used to be introduced in first grade, and then in kindergarten, now is often part of the preschool curriculum. As a result, many children miss out on this important time to develop foundation skills and at the same time they reinforce inefficient [...]

How to Collaborate with Your School

Michele Hancock M.S., P.P.S. at Special-ism - 5 days ago
[fbshare]In December I received a lot of emails from angry, frazzled parents. Grades came in, their child’s behavior had become a serious problem, and they didn’t like their new caseworker. Emotions were running high and a lot of finger pointing was going on. But behind all of the emotion, what I really heard was “I [...]

Special-Ism is Coming!

Danette Schott, M.A. at Special-ism - 6 days ago
[fbshare]A brand new platform, Special-Ism, will take this place around February 15th. All new articles will be published at Special-Ism! While you are waiting, join Special-Ism on facebook and twitter.

What Makes Waking Up So Difficult for Kids with ADHD?

Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC at Special-ism - 1 week ago
[fbshare]In my previous article, What Makes Sleep so Difficult for Kids with ADHD?, I explored the difficulties that children and adolescents may have in falling asleep. As I had mentioned, research shows that between 25 and 50% of people with ADHD have clinically reported sleep difficulties. These can be attributed to biology, stimulant medication side [...]

When an Advantage Becomes a Disadvantage

D.S. Walker at Special-ism - 1 week ago
[fbshare]The same excellent rote memory that helps many Aspies and Autistics can also be a distinct disadvantage. Most people believe being able to seamlessly remember details of events or of things read is an advantage and most of the time it is. After all, it makes studying for tests easier and allows for needed attention [...]