Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Special Ed Students and Standardized Tests | California Father

Special Ed Students and Standardized Tests | California Father:

Special Ed Students and Standardized Tests

In the Sunshine State they want to judge schools for the intellectually disabled with the same standardized tests they give to typical children. Guess what? It’s happening everywhere. Guess what else? Just as Florida seems to be backing down from this policy some disability rights groups want to keep in force. They worry that there won’t be accountability if disabled kids are held to different standards. Well, of course there’s accountability. THOSE KIDS HAVE IEPs. Hold the school responsible if the students aren’t reaching their goals. Don’t punish the kids for not being able to do what they can’t.

Check out this video of some very courageous kids and teachers who are being harmed more than helped by folks trying to protect them. Question: Don’t they deserve better? Answer: They sure do.