Friday, February 3, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Why the Washington State Charter Bills are Flawed

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Why the Washington State Charter Bills are Flawed:

Why the Washington State Charter Bills are Flawed

Senator Rodney Tom, one of the sponsors of the Senate charter bill, has been sending out a form letter to those who write him and are against his bill. Here is some of what he says and I'm going to answer some of his issues in explaining why this bill is flawed and should not even come up for a vote in the Legislature.

I’m surprised by the veracity of the pushback on charter schools. We’ve been very upfront in that they are a very limited component to improving our education system. Why ten new schools per year out of 2271 schools would be such a threat to the system is a telltale sign how engrained we are with the status quo.

I'm a little unclear on why he used the work "veracity" as it means truthfulness so maybe it was a slip of the tongue. The Senator is quite right about only 10 schools per year but he also knows that he is creating a LAW, not a pilot project. Just "trying them" as so many have stated is not really the case when you create a law.

In fact, of the state’s 22 innovation schools recently recognized by OSPI, only five had free and reduced lunch