Saturday, February 4, 2012

Schools Matter: Jacobs on Meier on KIPP

Schools Matter: Jacobs on Meier on KIPP:

Jacobs on Meier on KIPP

Joanne Jacobs' post on Meier's recent comments on KIPP. My brief response follows:

KIPP = Nazi Germany?

In musing about democracy on Bridging Differences, Deborah Meier equates KIPP and other “no excuses” schools with Nazi Germany‘s schools.
What troubles me most about the KIPPs of the world are not issues of pedagogy or the public/private issue, but their “no excuses” ideology implemented by a code that rests on humiliating those less powerful than oneself and reinforcing a moral code that suggests that there’s a one-to-one connection between being good and not getting caught. It tries to create certainties in a field where it does not belong. . . . Life is never so simple that we can award points for “badness” on a fixed numerical