Saturday, February 11, 2012

School Tech Connect: "Shills and Cruel Jokes"

School Tech Connect: "Shills and Cruel Jokes":

"Shills and Cruel Jokes"

Feeling kind of wobbly here but on the mend. I'll be flopping around in no time. Meanwhile, here's Labor Beat's review of the CPS show trials. I'll only say this--- I work in the suburbs with people who mostly live in the suburbs. One of my colleagues was recently reading in the Trib about the NCLB waivers and he told me that it sounded like a good idea.

I guess it does sound like a good thing if you're not paying very, very close attention or if you get your information from one of the two big teacher unions. And that's the whole thing. People have no idea about the massive increase in testing that is just around the corner, and they have no idea that the schools where very, very poor people send their kids are still going to be closed down, and those kids are going to be dispersed all over the