Sunday, February 5, 2012

School Tech Connect: #Occupy The Unions #ows

School Tech Connect: #Occupy The Unions:

#Occupy The Unions

And I'm back. I can only tell you that I successfully closed the achievement gap, which as you know requires alot of firing, and a lot of dispersing urban black kids to other schools, and then getting the hell out of town before the studies show that you actually didn't close the achievement gap but made it worse instead.

Anyhoo, the most interesting thing I read during my little social media vacation was this erudite review of the possible rebirth of teacher unionism by Lois Weiner, in New Politics. I'm not sure how I found it, but typically when I can't trace back where I found something, I found it over at The Eggplant, so it was probably there, too. Who the hell knows?

Listen to Lois.
When Naomi Klein spoke at Occupy Wall Street she noted that the rest of the world had been