Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Right-Wing Plot to Undermine Science in Public Schools | Education | AlterNet

The Right-Wing Plot to Undermine Science in Public Schools | Education | AlterNet:

The Right-Wing Plot to Undermine Science in Public Schools

Leaked documents reveal a right-wing think-tank's plans to undermine the teaching of climate science -- and defund public education in the process.
Photo Credit: Szasz-Fabian Ilka Erika via
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Last week, climate science watchers confirmed what they already knew about the climate science “skepticism” of the Heartland Institute – a “free-market” think-tank previously known for taking money from tobacco companies to question the health risks of second-hand smoke.

As leaked documentsnow make clear, some of the Institute’s most prominent donors have a strong financial interest in sowing doubts about climate science. These documents also show that providing critical insight on humanity’s scientific knowledge matters far less to the group than running a lobbying and communications business aimed at undermining public confidence in science. (Although the details concerning the circumstances of the leak are the subject of much ongoing debate, the substance of the information revealed is not in dispute.)
Yet the most interesting revelation from the leaks may actually be the Heartland Institute’s intention to inflict its views on America’s public school students.