Monday, February 13, 2012

RheeFirst! » Brandenburg: Rhee’s 12 myths & lies debunked

RheeFirst! » Brandenburg: Rhee’s 12 myths & lies debunked:

Brandenburg: Rhee’s 12 myths & lies debunked

Written by Guy Brandenburg for his blog. Read the entire post here.
If I’m not mistaken, with this massive shrinkage of the fictitious DC graduation rates, (Rhee) and… funders and out-of-touch acolytes have NOTHING LEFT about which they can actually claim success.

The last myth, that supposedly they increased DCPS graduation rates, is shown to be a chimera. A lie. Sorry, make that “use of an incorrect formula.” Well, there’s an entire book called “How to Lie With Statistics”; it’s by Daryl Huff (good book – look it up). Sounds to me that Rhee… could write several new chapters with up-to-date examples, using their own joint and several educational record.

Think of all the lies they have been caught up in.