Tuesday, February 14, 2012

PSAT for 2-14-12: Call Brizard again! Plan to come see Monty! Waivers!

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 2-14-12: Call Brizard again! Plan to come see Monty! Waivers!:

PSAT for 2-14-12: Call Brizard again! Plan to come see Monty! Waivers!

For Public Schools Action Tuesday (PSAT) today,

1) Parents 4 Teachers is asking you to help keep the pressure on CPS CEO Brizard about school closings and turnarounds. Call today 773-553-1500. I plan to fax my message to him at 773-553-1501. Some points to mention are below.

2) Plan to come to the forum, “Winning the Testing Battle/ Overhauling NCLB/ESEA” at UIC with FairTest’s Monty Neill tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 15, at 6 pm. in the Cardinal Room at UIC’s Student Center East (701 S. Halsted at Polk, public parking in structure across Halsted).

3) Consider providing testimony to ISBE on the ESEA waiver request they propose to submit to the US Department of Education. They never give us much time to do this – the proposal has only been posted for a