Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Priorities of DC Public Schools « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues

The Priorities of DC Public Schools « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues:

The Priorities of DC Public Schools

Much has been written about the investigations into cheating in DC public schools. While the investigations are ongoing, the evidence suggests either cheating or some massive teaching to the test efforts. Neither cheating nor teaching to the test benefits children in any way. In his 2008 book entitled “Measuring Up: What Do Test Scores Really Tell Us?,” Koretz–a leading expert in testing–makes very clear that teaching to the test causes score inflation and limits rather than enhances students’ learning. Other testing experts concur with Koretz on this conclusion.

With respect to outright cheating and fraud, there is a clear ethical line–it is wrong. There is never any excuse.

In this case, the principal instigated a test prep plan in which teachers were told to instruct students on reading and math during science, social studies, and even music classes. The students were denied the opportunity to