Thursday, February 2, 2012

On the pension fight from an IEA advocate. « Fred Klonsky

On the pension fight from an IEA advocate. « Fred Klonsky:

On the pension fight from an IEA advocate.

I received this email today:


Please remember that I write this as a friend, supporter, and IEA advocate.
I think it is foolhardy to blindly accept IEA’s negotiating leadership or prowess. The recent IEA notice that I have seen (and recognizing that I am not on the IEA mailing list at all so there may be other communications) is nice but far from adequate. I would suggest that given IEA’s impotence and incapacity to anticipate political positions nor adequately represent teachers’ interests over the past decade warrants a more active and advocacy voice by local leadership. Voices such as Todd’s and others who may bring voices to the IEA table that IEA does not want to hear but need to hear should be more directly involved in the issues at hand in my opinion.
1. The IEA research team needs to be informing members and other interested parties like IEARetired and IRTA on specific ideas that are being talked about. Reading about them in the