Thursday, February 2, 2012

Occupy “American Teacher”, the Movie | Seattle Education

Occupy “American Teacher”, the Movie | Seattle Education:

Occupy “American Teacher”, the Movie

American Teacher-American Hoax

by Deb Mayer

Originally posted on Great Schools for America.

The movie America Teacher is touring the country. It’s producers travel from city to city hosting one night stands, telling viewers about the remarkable story of TEP, The Equity Project Charter School, that pays teachers $125,000 a year plus up to $25,000 in bonuses.

Sound too good to be true? Well, that’s because it is.

The movie American Teacher finally premiered in Portland, Oregon, where I live. I had been curious to see it since it was promoted on ABC’s Education Nation in September. The movie is said to be based on the book,Teachers Have It Easy co-written by Ninive Calegari, Daniel Moulthrop, and Dave Eggers and first published in 2005. The movie had received glowing affirmations from National Education Association president, Dennis Van Roekel, and American Federation of Teachers president, Randi Weingarten. It is narrated by Matt Damon who gave a passionate speech to teachers at the Save Our Schools March in Washington, D.C. this past summer. Finally, I was ready to be inspired by a film about teachers that would bring a modicum of respect and