Saturday, February 18, 2012

NYPD Spied On Muslim Student Groups Outside of New York « Student Activism

NYPD Spied On Muslim Student Groups Outside of New York « Student Activism:

NYPD Spied On Muslim Student Groups Outside of New York

In September of last year the Associated Press revealed that the New York Police Department had, in conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency, spied on more than half a dozen of the city’s campus Muslim student groups. Today it reported that the NYPD’s surveillance went much further.

In a story published this afternoon, the AP described how the NYPD:

  • Set up a “safe house” in New Brunswick, New Jersey, tasked with monitoring Muslim students at Rutgers.
  • Sent an undercover officer along on a 2009 whitewater rafting trip attended by 18 Muslim students from