Monday, February 27, 2012

NYC Public School Parents: Why public shaming of teachers is exactly what the corporate reformers want -- with nationwide implications for our public schools

NYC Public School Parents: Why public shaming of teachers is exactly what the corporate reformers want -- with nationwide implications for our public schools:

Why public shaming of teachers is exactly what the corporate reformers want -- with nationwide implications for our public schools

The NYC teacher data reports were released on Friday; and it’s no surprise that Rupert Murdoch's NY Post was the first out of the gate to name and shame a teacher with a low rating. Sunday’s Post featured a photo of teacher at a Queens school, naming her and the school, with the headline, “The worst teacher in the city,” based on her TDR. They also interview a parent at her school who says she should be fired.

Expect this sort of thing to go on for weeks if not months – as the Post tries to publicly shame one teacher after another, plastering their photos in the paper, pursuing a virulent propaganda campaign to attack the union and eliminate teacher tenure. The only question remaining is how many other papers will follow suit and participate by