Saturday, February 25, 2012

NYC Public School Parents: A principal at a high performing school explains why she is "absolutely sick" about the public release of the TDRs"

NYC Public School Parents: A principal at a high performing school explains why she is "absolutely sick" about the public release of the TDRs":

A principal at a high performing school explains why she is "absolutely sick" about the public release of the TDRs"

Here is a message from Elizabeth Phillips, Principal of P.S. 321 in Brooklyn, who writes: “ I am absolutely sick about the public release of the TDRs. See below for some details in terms of what it actually means at PS 321.”
Principal Liz Phillips; credit NY Press
Having seen the TDRs when they first came out, I can say that they are extremely inaccurate, both in terms of actual mistakes and in how data is interpreted, particularly for teachers of high performing children. Here is some more detail on that:
1. The amount of data that is simply wrong is staggering. In my school alone, the first year of the TDRS, for just two grades (since of course that is all we have getting TDRs) 4-6 teachers have inaccurate