Saturday, February 4, 2012

'Lackluster' results of charter schools raises questions about conventional wisdom on school reform (Julie Mack column) |

'Lackluster' results of charter schools raises questions about conventional wisdom on school reform (Julie Mack column) |

'Lackluster' results of charter schools raises questions about conventional wisdom on school reform (Julie Mack column)

Published: Saturday, February 04, 2012, 9:05 AM

KALAMAZOO — To critics of Michigan's public education system, the core problems are clear: Disengaged parents, unions that care more about the adults than children and a culture of mediocrity enabled by schools' geographic monopoly.

The common lament is that if only we could have public schools that are free of union rules and that face competitive pressure to stay in business, who could serve families that really want to be there.

Here's what's interesting: We already have that, in the form of charter schools.

No unions? Check. Must attract families to stay in business? Check. Engaged parents? The very act of enrolling in a charter school, especially one that lacks transportation as many do, is an indicator of a family taking a active role in a child's education.

Here's what is also interesting: In recent years, study after study after study indicates that