Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Fool Me Twice...

Jersey Jazzman: Fool Me Twice...:

Fool Me Twice...

When ACTING NJ Education Commissioner Chris Cerf worked in NYC, he swore that teacher evaluation data would NEVER be released to the public. Last week, it was.

Now, he's making the same promises in New Jersey. How do you think this will turn out?
Yesterday, acting education commissioner Chris Cerf tried to quell worries and said he would be against public disclosure of individual teachers' scores.
"I don't believe in that," Cerf said in an interview last night. "It is counterproductive, and I believe it is not something we should put out. And especially putting that out in isolation, it's against everything we want to do."
ACTING Commissioner, the folks you worked with at the NYCDOE were the ones who urged the NYC press to