Monday, February 13, 2012

Jeff Meadors: Funding private interests with public dollars

Rockdale Citizen | Jeff Meadors: Funding private interests with public dollars:

Jeff Meadors: Funding private interests with public dollars

In case there is a second vote on HR 1162, keep monitoring the resolution and its funding partner House Bill 797. In its third iteration, when it failed to pass the House, there is nothing to prohibit the General Assembly from creating an HB 881-styled scheme which deducted allotments from local schools. This cat has many lives and assumes a new appearance in each.

The quest to access local taxpayer dollars resulting in taxation without representation just won't end. In simple terms, local taxpayers will end up with a higher bill as local systems work to make up for dollars taken from them by the state if HR 1162 makes it to the fall ballot and passes.

A state commission, which HR 1162 would create, would use local taxpayer funds for statewide virtual charter schools or brick and mortar state charters outside of local systems.

Local school boards across the state of Georgia have approved and currently govern more than 120