Monday, February 6, 2012

Jack Hassard: We Have Low Expectations for American Students in Math & Science - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Jack Hassard: We Have Low Expectations for American Students in Math & Science - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Jack Hassard: We Have Low Expectations for American Students in Math & Science

Guest post by Jack Hassard

Who the #@!% would make such a statement? Why would such a statement be made about America's youth?

If you go the Broad Foundation Education page you will find the answer to the first question. This is the first of four statements about American youth, followed by "stark" statistics. The Broad Foundation says:

"We have low expectations for American students."

Shame on them!

This is the foundation that has channeled over $400 million into education, primarily in charter schools, training of administrators, and online education. It's a very good time to be in the business of influencing and undermining