Thursday, February 16, 2012

I May be Wrong ... But I Doubt It* - Bridging Differences - Education Week

I May be Wrong ... But I Doubt It* - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

I May be Wrong ... But I Doubt It*

Dear Diane,

I do believe we are in that portion of the Roman Empire in which horses were considered "persons." Or was that just a mad movie I once saw about the fall of the Roman Empire?

Some of the madness is being conducted by very sane people with a very bad agenda. Yes, I do believe that, especially after reading your account about Cleveland, Diane.

Some are under a belief, genuinely held, that only when everything is private will human beings live as they should—in a libertarian dream world. They are risking our collective futures on their idealistic theory, much as radical leftists once did on a totalitarian dream that they hoped would lead to human liberation. We can't afford to