Friday, February 17, 2012

How to fund the schools: Make the 1% pay | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

How to fund the schools: Make the 1% pay | Philadelphia Public School Notebook:

How to fund the schools: Make the 1% pay

by Ron Whitehorne on Feb 17 2012 Posted in Blogger commentary

I testified at the School Reform Commissionmeeting yesterday about the District's budget deficit. Here is the text of my testimony.

Testimony to SRC, Feb. 16, 2012

My name is Ron Whitehorne. I’m a retired teacher, a parent of two children who went to Philadelphia public schools, and a long time education activist. Today I’m speaking as a member of the Occupy Philly Labor Work Group.

The Occupy movement has a powerful message that the main source of our nation’s distress is not too much spending on social programs, but too much social inequality and too much political power concentrated in the hands of the one percent.

That message is very much to the point when we look at the budget crisis in