Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ensuring Critical Thinking in Project-Based Learning « The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education

Ensuring Critical Thinking in Project-Based Learning « The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education:

Ensuring Critical Thinking in Project-Based Learning

Andrew Miller

Post submitted by Andrew Miller, is a national faculty member for the Buck Institute for Education as well as for ASCD. He is also a regular blogger for Edutopia. Connect with Miller on Twitter @betamiller.

Project-based learning (PBL) can create engaging learning for all students, but that depth of learning requires careful, specific design. Part of this engagement is the element of critical thinking. Complex problem solving and higher-order thinking skills, coupled with other elements such as authenticity, voice, and choice, creates an engaging context to learn.

One of the essential elements of a PBL project is the teaching and assessing of 21st century skills, including collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.