Monday, February 6, 2012

Educational Bill Tracking « Tangerine, Florida

Educational Bill Tracking « Tangerine, Florida:

Educational Bill Tracking

HB 1191 Parent Empowerment in Education (aka Parent Trigger) passed the House Rulemaking and Regulation Committee by a vote of 8 to 6 — ALMOST along party lines. The committee heard and passed the “delete everything” (aka strike-all) amendment. There are significant problems with this version.
The bill in its current form would:

- Allow parents to petition the school district requesting the implementation of a parent-selected turnaround option when a school does not sufficiently improve in the initial year of implementing a district-selected turnaround option.

- Prohibit districts from assigning a student to a teacher with an annual performance evaluation rating of unsatisfactory or needs improvement in consecutive school years regardless of reason

- Authorize a parent to request the performance evaluation of any classroom teacher assigned to his/her child