Friday, February 3, 2012

Doubts over 8th grade algebra for all | Thoughts on Public Education

Doubts over 8th grade algebra for all | Thoughts on Public Education:

Doubts over 8th grade algebra for all - by Kathryn Baron

When it comes to flip-flopping, forget the Republican primary and take a look at California’s vacillation on when students should learn algebra. Yesterday, a year and a half after the State Board of Education adopted new math standards, researchers, educators, and policymakers once again sparred over the wisdom of requiring Algebra I for most [...]

A rush of new technologies - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

A combination of forces is creating an inflection point for technology to redefine the process of learning and the structure of schools, Ted Mitchell, CEO of a venture philanthropy organization and former president of the State Board of Education, told a conference on math and technology at Stanford University on Thursday. “The market is ripe [...]