Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dear President Obama: Dump Pritzker. « Fred Klonsky

Dear President Obama: Dump Pritzker. « Fred Klonsky:

Dear President Obama: Dump Pritzker.

Dear President Obama,

On February 21st your campaign announced the naming of six national co-chairs from Illinois.

The list included Bill Daley, Sen. Dick Durbin, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Penny Pritzker, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Alan Solow.

Yesterday Unite Here, which represents hotel employees at Penny Pritzker’s Hyatt Hotels, revealed that Penny Pritzker underpays the property taxes on her Chicago 7-bathroom mansion.

This is the same Penny Pritzker who advocates ending public employee pensions in Illinois. As a member of the Chicago school board, she recently voted to shut down over a dozen public schools, upending the lives of thousands of Chicago students and their families and impacting the jobs and lives of hundred of Chicago teachers.

Is this the face of the Obama campaign you want?

A tax scammer? Someone who is goes after public service employee pensions. A union buster? A one percenter who makes Mitt Romney look like the salt of the earth?

Dump Penny Pritzker as your election co-chair.

-Fred Klonsky